Robyn Stratton-Berkessel

TEDx Talk—11 Tips to Help Prepare

TEDx Talk—11 Tips to Help Prepare

Imagine, it’s the day of…it’s about to all come true. Today, you give your TEDx talk. You’re mic’d up; you step out from the darkened wings of backstage into the spotlight; you’ve reached the red carpet. You turn to face the eager audience, and…you open your mouth. What effort did it take to get there? […]


Robyn Stratton-Berkessel: Don’t Just Sit There, Say Something!

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel: Don’t Just Sit There, Say Something!

Ever just have one of those days? Chances are we all have. Maybe today is one of those days—when the car won’t start; the train is late; the coffee spilled. Typical reactions to days like these include, “Why today? Why me?,” perhaps followed by a projection of negativity toward others. We cannot deny that we […]
